Thursday, April 22, 2010

Challenge 1, Day 22

I have fallen very behind in my script... really behind. But that doesn't mean I didn't accomplish anything lately. I finally wrote to my profs, asking for letters of recommendation. I set a goal/deadline for my statement of purpose essay. I finished five scrapbook pages, which I will scan and post later, at Christine's scrapbooking party. I helped my sister with her homework, as well as tried some yummy new recipes from Food Network. I watched Glee and Castle, and spent quality time with my family and with my friends. So I did a lot since my last update, just not on my script.

In case you want to try making some of the delicious food I made this past weekend, here are the links to their recipes at Food Network's website:
The perfect follow-up is a fruit salad- I used blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries- with some whipped cream.

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