Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday (39) - Books that I Wish Could Watch

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.  This week, the topic is about books we wish they'd make into movies or TV shows, but only if we lived in an ideal world where they didn't cut stuff out or change the plotlines.  I really do enjoy movie/TV adaptations of books... when they get them right (BBC is one of the best at this).  So these are my picks for books I'd love to watch, just so long as they don't screw it up.

Top Ten Twelve Books I'd Love to See on the Screen

The Movies

The TV Series

And those are my picks - if we lived in a perfect world.  Anything you agree with?  Anything you want to add?  Any adaptations that are coming out that you're excited about?  Let me know!


  1. Great picks! I haven't finished The Lunar Chronicles yet but I definitely think it would be a good one!

    1. I'd especially love to see the second book, Scarlet, on the screen.

  2. Artemis Fowl would be great as a TV series. I know I would watch that every week. Also I agree with you about about Rick Riordan. I really enjoy those books and would love to see the demi-gods in action!

    Alex @ The Book Banner
    My TTT

    1. Me too! I think TV series allow for more detail, and there could be a season for each book.

  3. I'd love to see The Lunar Chronicles on the big screen. I think it would be amazing. It wouldn't make a bad television programme either - I'll take what I can get.

    Here's my list.


    1. I'd personally prefer it as a TV series, or a BBC miniseries, because then they wouldn't have to worry about cutting things for time.


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