Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday #23

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.  This week's topic is the top ten books you read when you need something light and fun.  I cheated a little.  I'm doing books and authors because there are some authors I love who have multiple books that fit in this category, and I couldn't pick just one.

Top Ten Books & Authors When You Need Something Light & Fun

  • Shannon Hale  -  I love Jane Austen, so Hale's Austenland series is the perfect amount of fluff and romance for me.  The first is just a perfectly cute romance, while the second is a hilarious mystery.
  • Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones  -  Jones is one of my favorite authors, but Howl is my favorite of her works.  It's a cute adventure, and I love how it pokes fun at fairy-tale cliches.
  • The Princess Bride by William Goldman  -  Both the movie and the book are light and fun, but I especially love the book for all its author commentary and humorous parenthetical statements.

  • The Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia C. Wrede  -  Wrede is another one of my favorite fantasy authors.  I discovered her books in high school and re-read them all the time when I need a pick-me-up.  This series is probably her best, simply because it has a no-nonsense heroine, lots of humor, and dragons!

  • The Pushcart War by Jean Merrill  -  This book makes me laugh so much.  It chronicles the "true story" of the war between the pushcarts and truck drivers in NYC.
  • Robin McKinley  -  McKinley's fairytale retellings are amazing and unique.  They've got magic, romance, adventure, and humor.  My two favorites are Beauty (a retelling of Beauty & the Beast) and Spindle's End (a retelling of Sleeping Beauty).
  • Sushi For Beginners by Marian Keyes  -  I don't usually read chick-lit, but I love this book.  And not just because my favorite character has the same crazy name as me.  It's just a fun read with plenty of fluff and a brooding love interest, and bonus - it takes place in Ireland (I've always wanted to go there).

  • Louisa May Alcott  -  Alcott will always hold a very special place in my heart, because it was her books that started my love of reading.  I love them because they're sweet and romantic and wholesome.  The books pictured are only a few of her many books that I've read.

  • Rick Riordan  -  I don't think Riordan's written anything yet that I didn't like.  His series are exciting with great characters and plenty of adventure.

  • Georgette Heyer  -  I constantly re-read Heyer's books, especially when in a slump, because they're witty and funny with amazing dialogue, dashing gentlemen, and fun adventures.  I always know that I can rely on Heyer's books to make me laugh and give me the pick-me-up I need.

So what do you think?  Do you agree with any of these?  What are your favorite books when you need something light and fun to give you a boost?

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